Listening to Spirit
(Published November 11, 2024)
Listening to Spirit: One Lightworker’s Story
Channelings and Insights from the Life of Joseph Anthony
Photo credit: Matthew Spinell
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The Belt of Orion
The Belt of Orion
The Belt of Orion
From the Introduction to the Book
The only thing you really need to know is that all is God and all is good. For those of you who understand this, there is no need to read any further. This book is for those who are seeking greater understanding about the nature of God at work in our world and, in a very personal way, in our lives. I draw from my own life experiences for illustrations, which have revealed the omnipresence of God, the nature of the soul, the work of Lightworkers, and the guidance available from ethereal spirits such as angels, dragons and departed masters. I also include some examples from my own life about the flow of life when attuned to a fourth dimensional consciousness.
My spiritual unfolding began in my early twenties with a profound experience of cosmic unity. I was walking on a mountain road at the time and the entire world suddenly shifted. I saw everything as a single divine, loving, conscious energy. Nothing was excluded; even the air was conscious and appeared as dancing pinpoints of light. I knew instantly this was a direct experience of God, although it was not like any aspect of God ever explained to me in the church. This was the true reality, and what I had previously thought to be real was, as one of my later teachers said, only a “play of consciousness.”
Although my experience of cosmic unity lasted under a minute, it has been the defining event in my life; and nearly fifty years later is still the guiding force behind my beliefs and actions. The experience opened up an active channel to the higher realms for me that manifests in my life as enhanced intuition and occasional direct messages and guidance from higher beings. Also, the understanding that all is God has shaped my beliefs about everything.
In 2012, I was guided along with Johanna, Sage and Judy, who appear throughout the book as healers and channelers, to set up a healing group, which became known as the Healing Light Group. It was composed of sixteen Lightworkers/healers who met twice monthly for two hours for approximately seven years. We generally saw two clients at each session on a pro bono basis. We worked together as a group to provide energy treatments, which included channeling and utilized crystals and healing meditation. These were intended to address not only the specific needs or problems of the person, but also such problems throughout the world. Some of the transcribed channeled sessions that follow are from those meetings.
This book is a compilation of some of my spiritual experiences and learnings, offered in the hope that others might find them useful. It is divided into two main sections followed by my closing thoughts and a few notes on terms that may be unfamiliar. Section one is the transcriptions of channelings that I recorded over a thirteen-year period. I have pulled a phrase from the channeling itself to use as a descriptor for the table of contents. Section two of this book has examples of the visible presence of divine guidance/intervention in my life. These two sections might be thought of as the metaphysical and day-to-day or practical components of life, respectively. I see them as intertwined.
With love and light,
Joseph Anthony