The Nature of the Soul

Johanna, 1-29-19

This took place during a healing session for Joe.

Johanna:  I am feeling something shifting within your chest right now.

Joe:  Yes.

Johanna:  It feels like heart consciousness.  It feels like they (spiritual beings) are planting a garden and there are very specific rows with threads or something being laid in the rows and then covered up.  Now they’re doing rows that are perpendicular and a little deeper.  The threads are different colors with hues that are very brilliant.  Now they are going back to the original direction, only off to the side a little bit.  They may be making something like a three dimensional Metatron’s cube.  Does that resonate with you at all? 

Joe:  Something is happening.  My physical heart is connecting to the higher heart.  It is the same heart consciousness that we were in the other day at the Healing Light Group meeting.

Johanna:  Right.  It feels like the crystalline body is needed to bridge the gap between the two hearts.

Joe:  Okay, that makes perfect sense, and I certainly welcome that.

Johanna:  Seeing Metatron’s cube shows me that the crystalline body is taking form.  It is about two feet off your chest now and is radiating from the center of your chest in all directions.  I feel your physical body dissolving.  It’s just expanding and kind of disappearing.  The particles that I can still see look like silver glitter just floating through the air.

Joe (now in a partial vision state):  That is the soul.

Johanna:  Yes.  I see it scrolling through your lifetimes like microfilm, and it is erasing all of the karmic debt and the entire struggle.   It is elevating you to a place of peace, grace, love, and enlightenment and is fine-tuning your ability to perceive and understand the true meaning behind the words and behind language.  It is like you are cutting through the language and getting right to the pure essence, the holy meanings.

Joe:  Those lifetimes are just thoughts, explorations. 

Johanna:  I just heard truths.

Joe:  From the soul level, creation is this beautiful space to explore, and the incarnations are just thoughts of explorations.  They have no weight to them.

Johanna:  Right.  This is where the duality falls off.  There is no good or bad.  There is no right or wrong.  It is just experiences.  It is just there. 

Joe:  Exactly.

Johanna:  Now I heard fullness. 

Joe:  The soul knows it is part of the divine creation.  It is just right there seeing it, exploring.

Johanna:  I feel like there is only one true soul, and we all are that soul.  It is like we are a piece of God, but God is soul.  We all have our own little understanding of or connection to our soul; we are not separate.  When you get to you where you are right now being so dispersed and just having your little glitter floating around, that is all within the larger space called soul.  So we are all intermingling pieces in the soul.  Like glitter madness [laughter]. 

At this point, there were ten minutes of quiet energy work during which Joe had a vision in which he merged with his soul.  He tells Johanna about it below. 

Joe:  Thank you.  After you were quiet, a bright light like a sun, but not as solid as the sun, became visible on most of the screen in my mind.  That was God who is simultaneously all that is and the Creator of all that is.  Before that, there was a scene of space filled with souls.  The understanding came as I was there in my soul that I have had all these explorations, some of which manifested as incarnations.  They were just explorations.  You learn or experience what you want to.  They are nothing more than that.  God is doing the mirror image of what the soul is doing.  God is manifesting souls to conduct explorations just like the soul is generating incarnations to conduct explorations.  It is the exact same process.  Not everything becomes a soul and not everything becomes an incarnation; there are other things and ways to explore. 

Let’s say you have a thousand incarnations; it’s actually more than that.  The soul puts all the pieces of all these explorations together and creates an understanding from them.  God is fully aware of this process and what is learned by each soul.  Just like individual souls put the learnings from all the incarnations together to create an understanding, God puts all the explorations from the innumerable souls together.  It’s just one process.  I as an individual can have an individual sense of myself and not realize I’m really a soul.  Eventually this misunderstanding dissolves and only the soul is left.  The incarnation and all that was learned as well as the other incarnations and all they learned are in the soul.  That also happens when the souls dissolve back into the Creator; it’s the exact same process.

Johanna:  So the experiences that the souls have that don’t become incarnations are still experiences.

Joe:  Exactly, they are explorations of the soul, and only some of them are incarnations.  The soul is fully conscious of all the explorations of all the incarnations.  The relationship between the incarnation and the soul is the same as between the soul and the Creator.  Sometime after all the incarnations dissolve back into the soul and the soul is in its pure state, it will dissolve back into the Creator.  That’s how we are all one because in truth, there is nothing but the Creator exploring. 

Johanna:  Correct.

Joe:  There is no consciousness other than the Creator‘s.  There isn’t an individual consciousness other than that.  Part of the play of consciousness is that the various souls interact with one another and their incarnations interact with one another.  Some of the explorations of the soul are like being part of a theatrical production in which the characters don’t have the whole story.  Other souls join the play because it’s interesting and entertaining.  It derives from a thought of God: what happens if I play out a little bit of amnesia to see what it looks like?  It is not quite like that of course, but essentially, we’re here for the experiences and the explorations.

Johanna:  Is that where ego comes in, and is that to create a more individual experience?

Joe:  In order for the incarnations that do not know they are actually God to function, they need an alternative belief system.  The ego provides a structure that causes them to believe they are separate individuals.  It happens to be incorrect, but it does allow them to function in this world.

Johanna:  It feels like the collective heart consciousness that we tapped into on Saturday is the beginning of our journey across that bridge into Creator consciousness and the understanding that you just shared.

Joe:  I think that level is when the incarnation has a much deeper understanding of the soul.  There is also a greater two-way flow and less is masked.  It is sometimes called the veil being removed.  It is less ego identification and more soul identification.

Johanna:  Correct.

Joe:  The endgame for the series of incarnations is when you’re so fully soul-conscious that you realize the ego is just an exploration, and that your incarnation was just an exploration.  In the East, it is called enlightenment.  You continue to play out the incarnation because you still have to walk around, but you realize this is nothing more than an exploration of the soul, and that everything around you is part of the exploration.  It sometimes interacts with the explorations of other souls, so there’s kind of a cosmic play going on.  All of that funnels back up to the single Creator.  It is like a hologram; every layer is just a manifestation of the central layer but in a slightly different form.  It is all interesting.

Johanna:  Without all of the combined layers, the picture isn’t complete.

Joe:  What it boils down to is there is no need to do anything other than the exploration; that’s all there is to do, whatever that is and wherever that takes you.

Johanna:  And being aware of it.

Joe:  And being aware of it, or not.

Johanna:  That’s true.

Joe:   Exploring whether or not to be aware could be part of the exploration. 

Johanna:  Sometimes we are aware and sometimes we are not, it is all choice.

Joe:  One of the possibilities in the exploration is to be conscious and fully aware of the play of consciousness while we are in the incarnation.  That is known as self-realization or enlightenment.  It pleases the Creator when an incarnation reaches that state, although “pleases” is not exactly correct because there is nothing that displeases, and there is no value of higher or lower.  There is something to it that is just a little bit different than most of the incarnations because there are typically few times for each soul when it is in the incarnation and aware of the play of consciousness.

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