The Healing Light Group, 8-22-15
Joe: Spirit asked me to mention a piece that clarified for me in my meditation this morning related to releasing the drama of life. It involved using a meditation technique I was taught to visualize climbing above my mind until I had no more thoughts, and to just climb higher every time my awareness went to a thought instead of to my mantra. I did that and went upward until I had no more thoughts and was able to experience completeness without thoughts. It was heavenly and very profound. Spirit later told me that all thoughts, including those about work, relationships, and grievances are at the 3rd dimensional level. That’s where the drama occurs; it is in our thoughts. So the guidance I received wasn’t to change my thoughts to be more positive, or change my thoughts to be more loving, it was to transcend beyond thoughts. Then there’s no drama; you are just experiencing whatever is there.
In an earlier meditation using this technique while listening to music, I was able to experience the music without thoughts, and I understood at a very deep level that I was experiencing the vibrational frequencies of heaven. Since then, I have used that technique many times to transcend my thoughts and simply be aware of what I was experiencing. It always turns out to be a vibrational frequency of heaven; not always beautiful music unless I happened to have that playing, but always the experience of heaven. So what I had was a deep experiential understanding that I actually live in heaven, and the sounds of heaven are all around me. It is unnecessary thoughts that distract me that keep me from experiencing peace as an ongoing reality.
L.P.: Is it safe to say that we are trying to lift out of the third dimensional drama, and that we would then be living our lives in the fourth dimension? What is the fourth dimension?
Joe: I think it’s the same as the third physically. You don’t change your body; you don’t change your house; you still go to work; but your understanding is that this is an aspect of heaven. We are all heavenly creatures that are choosing to experience third dimensional reality for a while. Ideally, we do it with an understanding that this is heaven and to not get caught in the drama. It is like you are an actor playing the role of Hamlet. Remember you’re playing the role of Hamlet, you’re not really him. So if you have to act on stage like you are angry, that’s fine, but when you get off stage, don’t carry that anger. You have to let that go. Don’t get caught in your role. In a similar fashion, when we link together and send healing energy worldwide, what we really are sending is the energy of release from the third dimensional drama.