We Are an Encapsulated Piece of Source


The Healing Light Group, 10-24-15

Joe:  There is a piece that came to me building on the understanding that God is the omnipresent source of all things and could be thought of like an ocean that we are all floating in.  Then I heard, “Close but not quite.  Rather than think of something dense like an ocean, think of the Source like an energy field that is everything and everywhere.”   Source, which is more like a cloud than an ocean, then encapsulated bits of itself, like in a balloon or some kind of field.  Those distinct pieces within the cloud became us.  With the parts of itself that were encapsulated, Source played out a drama that involved us thinking that we were separate from the cloud rather than part of it.  In actuality, there is only a thin film between us and the rest of the cloud, and all of us are cloud.

Part of the drama is that we are encouraged to play with different energies, which for the most part are denser than the cloud.  One of the rules of the drama is that whatever we think about will be known by Source and sent to us.  So if we think about money, we will be sent money.  If we think about dogs, we will be sent a dog.  Whatever we think about, we will attract like a magnet.  Source will send thoughts in a seemingly random way to us, or we can attract the thoughts we want.  One way we do that is to emotionally want something.  In that case, related thoughts will come.  Another way is let our mind go somewhere, and again, related thoughts will follow.  We also have the choice to play the game at a higher level by refining and focusing our thoughts and requesting thoughts in a specific area, for example, love or service to nature. 

All our thoughts are really the thoughts within the cloud, which is Source.  They are not thoughts limited to our encapsulated bubble; thoughts are everywhere.  All thoughts are embedded in Source and we are set up as an experiment to see what we will do.  We are simply Source experimenting with where we want to take this.  So when we talk about Source being non-judgmental, that is the mechanics of it.  Everything that we could possibly think of actually comes from Source.  We are not coming up with anything new; we are just drawing to us what we want to play with. 

When we first start out in the drama, we might be interested in power and sex and the various addictions toward which we all have tendencies.  Eventually we get tired of playing with lower density things because they are inherently not as interesting as higher density endeavors.  We then gravitate toward the higher levels, so rather than having an orgasm physically, our whole body/mind complex experiences ecstasy because we are connected at a higher level to Source.   As we focus more on higher density thoughts, we realize who needs addictions if we can have even more joy without them, so we just do not go there anymore.  It is not that one is wrong and one is not, but just that in our own encapsulated piece, we are ready to shift to the higher vibrations.

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