Please tell us your personal experience of Spirit.

This page is for sharing your personal experiences of Spirit.  There are many example of these experiences in the second part of my book.  One of these involving hummingbirds is provided below.  This is a moderated page, and only appropriate content will be permitted.  Please do not proselytizing,  preach, or make comments on anyone else’s experiences.   Share your experience in the box below marked comment.    With love and light, Joseph Anthony.



1 thought on “Your Personal Experiences of Spirit”

  1. Hummingbirds

    I was watching the hummingbirds just before sunset and noticed the incredible peace and harmony around me. I decided to send this peace and harmony with the assistance of one of my crystals to needed places in Africa. It felt very correct. A few minutes later, I noticed that the two hummingbirds, which had been fighting over the feeder in normal hummingbird fashion, were now drinking peacefully from the same feeder. In a moment, a third one and then a fourth one joined them, and there were four hummingbirds drinking from the same feeder, something we have never seen before or since. It lasted only a minute, just long enough for Laura to see, but not to get a good photograph.

    Many years later, I was in my chair watching a hummingbird at the feeder and was trying to take a photo of it using my phone. Even though I spent about twenty minutes trying to do so, I was unable to get a good photo because the bird was in constant motion and moved to quickly for me. At that point, I tried to communicate with it telepathically and let it know that I would be honored if it would let me take its picture, and could it help me out if it was ok with that. It might be just coincidence, but within the space of one minute, I was able to take several good photos. It was like the hummingbird was posing for me.

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